Fundamentals of Field Recording - Part 1 of 2
Jill Beytin and Julia Joubert of Bear Radio
In this session participants will master the art of field recording and sound-scaping to build out their audio projects and create an immersive listening experience. Sounds are all around us - whether they be the rise and fall of your own breath, waves lapping at the hull of a boat, or the rhythm of a bustling kitchen. Yet we forget that they are there, right at our fingertips. In this interactive session, Jill and Julia of Bear Radio will teach participants how to train their ears, understand the fundamentals of recording and utilize sound to turn any audio project into an immersive listening experience. The session is geared towards beginner and intermediate podcasters who want to use soundscapes in their pieces. The participants will learn about (and use!) professional field recording equipment, and will also be shown how they can utilize their smartphones to capture audio on the go. Listening is key to creating an engaging sound experience, and participants will first be shown how we as producers can hone our ear for sound through listening to the world around us. The group will then learn about creating their own soundscapes, conducting ‘man-on-the-street’ recordings, and analyzing the sounds they capture. The session will culminate with a walk-about where participants can get hands-on experience with a field recorder and tune in to the sounds that surround them. TIP: bring your laptop and headphones with you. We will be doing basic editing with provided software. It is not mandatory but encouraged.
Fundamentals of Field Recording - Part 2 of 2
Jill Beytin and Julia Joubert of Bear Radio
This workshop will directly follow PART 1 of Fundamentals of Field Recording. Jill & Julia will teach participants the basics of building out an engaging soundscape to set the scene for their audio project. Participants will receive a 3-month Hindenburg license and will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to incorporate sound into their projects, and actionable skills that they can apply to their future episodes. TIP: bring your laptop and headphones with you. We will be doing basic editing with provided software. It is not mandatory but encouraged.
Narrative Podcasts: Der neue Standard oder auf Dauer zu teuer
Niklas Münch, Diane Arapovic (Radio Eins), Emily Ulbricht (Boys Club), Sophia Wetzke (Studio Soma)
Wir diskutieren, ob sich Storytelling Podcasts in Deutschland etabliert haben und was uns in Zukunft erwartet. Nachdem der deutsche Podcastmarkt in den Anfängen von erfolgreichen Laberpodcasts dominiert wurde, finden in letzter Zeit Storytelling Podcasts ein immer größer werdendes Publikum. Formate wie “Boys Club” in diesem Sommer oder “Cui Bono: WTF happened to Ken Jebsen” letztes Jahr schaffen sogar “talk of the town” Momente: Alle sprechen darüber und du verpasst was, wenn du die Podcasts nicht gehört hast. Eine scheinbare Erfolgsgeschichte, doch sind das nur One Hit Wonders und sind Publisher bereit, die hohen Kosten solcher Produktionen auf Dauer zu tragen? In diesem Panel besprechen wir, ob sich Storytelling Podcasts im deutschen Markt etabliert haben und was uns in Zukunft erwartet. Wir schauen auf den US-amerikanischen Markt, der immer als Vorbild dient, und vergleichen. Außerdem soll es um Hürden und Probleme in der Produktion gehen.
Musik Nutzungsrecht, GEMA & Podcasts
Florian Neuroth (GEMA)
„Podcast als Chance für die Musikbranche“ Wir wollen erklären und diskutieren: Wie können Labels und Artists Podcasts nutzen und wofür? Wie können Produzenten und Creator Musik in Podcasts nutzen und wofür?
How Do I Make Money From Podcasts?
The Podigee Team
Tools and advice on "monetization"- finding income through your podcast. In this session we will consider not just the many strategies to reward your hard work financially, but consider which tools and approaches work best for podcasts of all sizes and resources. Pods with small and medium audiences, self-producing creators, independent teams can all find a way to benefit. High download shows and established studios will also find new options to explore and fresh perspective on monetization.
Ein Mischpult ist kein Klärwerk
Sven Sommer & Michael Viol (We Are Producers)
Diese Session gibt praxisrelevante Tipps, wie wir auf einfache Art Fehler bei Audioaufnahmen vermeiden, die später nicht mehr zu korrigieren oder nur mühsam und immer mit Einschränkungen zu reparieren sind. Endlich ist die Aufnahme im Kasten mit der bekannten Influencerin, die nur diesen einzigen kurzen Termin für die Podcastaufnahme bei dir hatte. Du hörst es dir nun an, drückst auf Play. Du merkst, wie deine Muskeln beginnen sich leicht anzuspannen und dein Herzschlag sich beschleunigt… Denn irgendwie klingt das alles sehr hallig. Mal ist ihre Stimme nah, dann wieder eher im Hintergrund. Und an den Stellen, an denen sie laut redet oder lacht, zerrt das Audio, so dass es unangenehm auf dem Kopfhörer ist. Keine Frage: Das Ergebnis will sich so keiner freiwillig anhören. Und in der Postproduktion wird das Stunden dauern, um das halbwegs hörbar zu machen, falls das überhaupt klappt…+ Wenn du eines oder mehrere dieser Probleme kennst, dann bist du in dieser Session richtig. Wir zeigen dir wie du mit einfachen Maßnahmen die wichtigsten Probleme bei der Aufnahme vermeidest – von der Planung der Aufnahmesituation über das richtige Pegeln bis zur Hinterbandkontrolle. Für bessere Audioqualität, einen planbareren Produktionsprozess, Zeitersparnis bei der Postproduktion und zufriedenere Kunden. Denn vieles, was bei der Aufnahme schief gegangen ist, lässt sich später nicht mehr reparieren. Oder nur zu einem hohen Preis. “Sh1t in, Sh1t out.”
Building a Successful Branded Podcast
Moderator: Jill Beytin
In this panel, moderated by Bear Radio, guests from the ‘Client Side’ of branded podcasts will discuss their experiences creating audio content for marketing purposes. By bringing together a Project Manager, a Host, and a Marketing Expert who all have diverse experiences with branded podcasts, the panel will showcase the multifaceted benefits of audio, and how to use audio to successfully bolster a content strategy.
Podcasts and the Future of News
Panelists: Robert Nicholson (Whistledown Productions), Azade Pesmen (Qzeng Productions - Was Jetzt?), Michael Safi, (The Guardian - Today in Focus), Kate Holland (Storyglass - Newsreel, The Intelligence)
Leading news podcasters and producers discuss how to make a great news podcast, and how podcasts are changing news. From 'The Daily' to 'Was Jetzt?', and from 'Boys Club' to 'Sweet Bobby', news podcasts are breaking big news, and changing how people get the stories behind the headlines. But what makes a great news podcast tick? What do newspapers and broadcasters think about when moving into podcasting as a medium? And what can we learn - as both makers of news podcasts and consumers of news - from the revolution in news podcasting?
Streamline Your Podcast Production: Workflows, Tools and DE&I Insights
Joanne Wong, Divya Ram, and Natália Cortez do Prado of Babbel
Find out how we at Babbel streamline our podcast production. Diving into our workflow, with key communication methods for smooth collaboration and tools that can efficiently support you along the way. Demonstrated with use cases from our podcast projects. Stay for our 17:15 session: Implementing DE&I considerations. And at 18:00 we host an open invitation: - "Would you like to collaborate with Babbel?" Network with us!
Using Music to Tell a Story
Militsa Tekelieva (Pool Artists)
In this session podcast producer Militsa Tekelieva (Pool Artists) will demonstrate how you can use music in your podcasts in order to emphasize your story and engage your listeners. Using an example from her own work, Militsa will show you some techniques for using music as a storytelling device and hopefully inspire you to go beyond simple intro and outro jingles.
DE&I Insights for Creative Projects
Joanne Wong, Divya Ram, and Natália Cortez do Prado of Babbel
The team from Babbel shares their expertise and experience in implementing DE&I considerations. Diversity, equity, and inclusion practices are an important part of a successful team, workplace and a benefit to the creative process. Learn how to implement and benefit from DE&I. And afterwards please stay for our 18:00 networking session:"Would you like to collaborate with Babbel?"
"Seeking Talent" Collaborating with Babbel
Joanne Wong, Divya Ram, and Natália Cortez do Prado of Babbel
We're opening our doors at PodFest Berlin, looking for new collaborators and talents. Storytellers, voice actors, editors and audio professionals of all kinds. We create in many different languages, and look forward to meeting you.
Memorable Storytelling and Narrative Impact
Panelists: Kate Holland (Storyglass), Ilona Toller (Freelance podcast producer), Jasmin Bauomy (TRZ Media) and Robert Nicholson (Whistledown Productions)
How to make sure your podcast’s story really lands. Ever since Serial, episodic narrative has become a dominant force in podcasting, for all sorts of stories and journalism. This panel of multi award winning narrative podcast producers discuss what makes narratives successful, distinctive and able to leave a lasting impact on their audience - with tips of what can make a story really pop, and what pitfalls can leave your story languishing
Fly or Die: Listening Session
Marta Medvešek, Independent Audio Producer
Marta Medvešek presents "Fly or Die", an independently produced audio feature, which won Prix Europa in 2021 and was a 2023 Third Coast Finalist. Is "Audio Feature" a new term for you? It’s like a feature film, but for ears. Join us in PodFest Berlin's Cinema room for a listening session: stories told through sound. Croatian, with English subtitles via Radio Atlas. Presentation to be followed by a Q&A Session.
Arabic Speaking Podcasts: One Voice vs. Multiple Identities
Host: Tazir - Guests and Speakers: Eman Khallouf, Taziri El Omrani, Ahmed
In this panel, Tazir talks with their guests about podcasts from cultural and sexual minorities in the Arabic-speaking region and how podcasts defies social censorship and affirms the cultural identities in the SWANA region.
How to make a Witness History - Masterclass
Robert Nicholson: Senior Editor, Berlin for Whistledown Productions
A masterclass in making an edition of the BBC Witness History programme. Sporting Witness and Witness History, the BBC World Service’s flagship history documentary podcasts, listened to by millions, are 8 and half minute mini documentaries that transport listeners into huge historical moments through stories of eyewitnesses. From idea generation to post production, Robert Nicholson takes you through every step of making an edition of the programme.
Podcasting and Academia
Agata Lisiak (Spatial Delight), Susan Stone, Bose Sarmiento
Communicating research and analysis beyond the university. Academic podcasting is on the rise as it offers scholars a platform to share their research and analysis with peers and wider audiences. The team behind Spatial Delight (a ten-part podcast about space, society, and power) will discuss various strategies, approaches, and techniques that help translate complex ideas into accessible and enjoyable formats. We will unpack and address the challenges and opportunities of academic podcasting including production quality, outreach, inclusivity, ethics, and more. This event will be of particular interest to academics thinking about starting their own podcasts as well as podcast professionals working with academics.
Boys Club: Hinter den Kulissen. Anfänge, Herausforderungen, Learnings.
Pia Stendera, Lena von Holt, Emily Ulbricht
Der 8-teilige Storytelling-Podcast "Boys Club – Macht und Missbrauch bei Axel Springer" fragt, wie der ehemalige BILD-Chef Julian Reichelt seine Macht so lange missbrauchen konnte. Dazu blickt er hinter die Fassade des wohl mächtigsten Medienkonzerns in Deutschland: den Axel Springer Verlag. Und lässt erstmals Menschen ausführlich erzählen, die den mutmaßlichen Machtmissbrauch im Hause Springer selbst erlebt haben. Über ein Jahr lang haben die Reporterinnen Pia Stendera und Lena von Holt mit der Dramaturgin Emily Ulbricht an dem Podcast gearbeitet. Im Panel schauen die drei Macherinnen zurück und sprechen über Herausforderungen in der Recherche, Konzeption, Dramaturgie und die Machart hinter "Boys Club".
"Wie verdiene ich Geld mit Podcasts?"
Podigee Team
Tools und Ratschläge zur "Monetarisierung" - zur Erzielung von Einnahmen durch Ihren Podcast. In dieser Sitzung werden wir nicht nur die vielen Strategien betrachten, mit denen sich Ihre harte Arbeit finanziell lohnen kann, sondern auch überlegen, welche Tools und Ansätze für Podcasts aller Größen und Ressourcen am besten geeignet sind. Podcasts mit kleinem und mittlerem Publikum, selbstproduzierende Macher und unabhängige Teams können alle einen Weg finden, davon zu profitieren. Sendungen mit hohen Downloadzahlen und etablierte Studios werden ebenfalls neue Optionen und neue Perspektiven für die Monetarisierung finden.
Level Up Your Podcast: Editing Techniques
Max Stern (Studio Soma)
Gain valuable knowledge and new skills for editing audio. In this workshop Max Stern of Studio Soma will share techniques and tools that will bring your podcast to the next level. Using the real world example of a current project, Max will share how he approaches post production editing.
Pitch Your Podcast!
Jasmin Bauomy (TRZ Media), Phoebe McIndoe (Telling Stories), Jeff Emtman (Here Be Monsters), Luisa Beck (Audible)
Potential podcasters - or podcasters looking to add a new pod - pitch their podcast idea to our panel and receive professional feedback. WANT TO PITCH? All participants receive a complimentary festival pass. Signup via your ticket! Panelists: Jasmin Bauomy, Audio Journalist (TRZ Media) Phoebe McIndoe, Radio & Podcast Producer (Telling Stories) Jeff Emtman, Podcast Creator and Host (Here Be Monsters) Luisa Beck, Senior Producer (Audible)
VOLUNTEER! - For inquiries message us:
Are you a Berlin podcaster? Then record live at PodFest Berlin in front of your live audience. Connect with listeners and record a very special episode for your pod.
Are you really passionate about something? Do you want to share your knowledge and insights? Join our faculty of speakers, hosts and instructors in 2024.