Megan's Megacan • Bundle (ADV)
So., 15. Okt.
|Noisy Rooms at the House of Music
SPECIAL BUNDLE TICKET: Seat for the Megan's Megacan podcast recording, PLUS 1/2 Day Festival Pass, PLUS entry to the special preview screening of Ben's Film "We're All Going To Die" !

Zeit & Ort
15. Okt. 2023, 16:00 – 22:00 MESZ
Noisy Rooms at the House of Music, Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin, Germany
Über die Veranstaltung
About the Podcast
"Megan's Megacan": It's a German news podcast in English, because the news is hard enough without it being all in German.
Also involves canned cocktails.
About the Film
A special preview screening of the film before it debuts at festivals or theatres.
"Ben, afflicted by the encroaching crises he writes about for his job, travels from Berlin to London to Kansas to Norway, and then to the capital of all loss, the Chicxulub crater in Mexico, learning from those preparing for social and ecological collapse. Call them preppers, doomers, or bunker-dwellers, the collapse community turns out to be bigger than he thinks."
PLUS: This ticket includes your half day festival pass, and access to more great events.
€12 - Special and limited advanced pricing.
Sunday October 15th
Film Screening: 5:15pm
Short Pause
Podcast Taping: 7:30pm
Special Bundle Festival Pass:
- Festival Access: Sunday Oct 15th, 4:00pm - 10:00pm
- Standing room access to Main Stage events.
- First come seating to all Studio* podcast tapings.
- First come seating to all Studio* seminars and panels.
- Join open meetups, discussion groups and forums.
- Entrance to most workshops.
- Access to reserved seating (reduced additional price) to all public events.
- Food, drinks, merriment, and conversation.
Noisy Rooms at the House of Music
On the RAW Gelände
Revaler Str. 99, 10245
Berlin, Germany
More details at:
Megan's Megacan Bundle (ADV)
Bundle includes: 1/2 Day Pass, plus a seat reservations for the recording, and a reservation for the preview screening of "We're All Going To Die". (EN) "It's a German news podcast in English, because the news is hard enough without it being all in German."
12,00 €+ 0,30 € ServicegebührVerkauf beendet
0,00 €